About Me
I (Catherine) and Milli (Kamil) started recovering Barry’s work as an emergency response to his YouTube channel being taken down. I didn’t expect to do any of this, but just happens to be that I had all the videos and we took action. Backup channel was started around Kamil’s birthday and I was notified of it’s take down the same day that he died. Talk about a double pain…

I promised him (my sweet angel now) to rebuild channel and make it even better, so here we are.
To help serve you better, our wonderful friend Tom Watson created a digital version of me 😮. I love my fancy ai avatar and together, we will create a community that I never even dared to dream of…
Thank you everybody who participated in our Community Fundraiser, so we could “jump-start” our mission! One person can only do so much, but as team of individuals, we can move mountains!
If you think that I am doing a great job, feel free to leave me a tip =)